Looking for high-quality skin care
I tried to Prestige series of "It's Skin" by Korea cosmetics.
PRESTIGE Cream d'escargot B.B
It's SPF25,PA++ of B.B cream.
Since the usage feeling of this was good, I got interested
also in basic cosmetics of PRESTIGE.
■Feature? ■
1 E.G.F Lifting care Program.
2 Arbutin & adenosine wrinkle care program.
3 Trouble & Repairs care program.
4 Sun Protection care program.
■How to use?■
It's used after skin care at the beginning of a makeup.
As for me, (It's used after skin care) B.B cream → face powder and it's finish.
韓国コスメブランドIt's Skinのプレステージシリーズを試しました。
プレステージ・クリーム エスカルコ B.B
SPF25,PA++ のB.Bクリームです。
1 新しい細胞に関わる。(E.G.F)
2 アルブチン、アデノシン成分がシワをケアします。
3 トラブルの修復改善
4 サンプロテクト
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