This is a video of how to make Happy Halloween Ghost
by ochappi clay. Trick or Treat!! There is an event of
"get a candle" in my hometown. Kids said,
"Please give me one candle. I scratch you
if I do not give it. This year is a rich year, too."
(I mean, amount of production
such as the agriculture is to be abundant.)
I visit houses while keeping a light by a candle.
Adults give Candles, Candy, Snack, Chocolate
and so on.
故郷にはハロウィンに近いイベントがあります。「ろうそく1本おくれ~♪ くれなきゃぁ~
ひっかくぞぉ~♪ おまけに、かっちゃく(ひっかくよりもより深く)ぞぉ~♪ 今年も豊年!
ろうそくと、お菓子を与えます。 初めてハロウィンのイベントを知った時、とても似ていて
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